Zaman makin global. Mentang-mentang lagi demam Korea, sekarang lirik-lirik lagu Indonesia pada diterjemahin atau dicampur-campur sama bahasa Korea. Sebel sendiri ngeliatnya. Ngapaiiinnn…gitu lhoooo??? Apa bahasa Indonesia itu kurang bagus, sampe-sampe lirik lagu pun harus dijadi’in Korea? Emangnya moyang loe lahir di Korea? Emangnya yang ngasih makan loe selama  ini orang Korea? Ada juga mereka yang…
Month: June 2012
Cute Little Boy
See this old picture! Pay attention to the little boy, the only boy who sit down! Don’t you think that he is soooooooo damn cute??? >< Yes, he is the 13 years old version of my man 😀 Don’t you think that he is too cute for 13 years old boy? He still looks like…
Half-Dream Job
I think I got my dream job. Well, not really a dream job, but half-dream job. Start on July 9th, I will work in Sinar Baja Electric, a company that produce sound speaker, as Marketing Export. My dream job was to work in international business section of consumer goods manufacturer. You know, a company that…
Es Thung-thung, Es Nong-nong, Es Dung-dung
Siang hari yang terik tiba-tiba dari dalam rumah terdengar suara familiar yang lama tak terdengar. Inilah bakul es thung-thung a.k.a. es nong-nong a.k.a es dung-dung 😀 Didorong rasa ingin bernostalgia dan rasa kasihan sama si bapak yang capek ndorong gerobak di bawah terik matahari, saya beli 2 contong es thung-thung masing2 seharga seribu rupiah. Semasa…
Well, I am about to graduate. You know, when you’re going to end something, then you will remember how it started. Yeah…It just feels like yesterday when I joined Ma Chung Festival and wearing that “baggy bag”. I still can memorize the evenings I’ve spent in this campus: writing assignments, preparing contests, attend boring meetings,…
Dutch Footprint on “Wonosari” Tea Plantation
Dutch people did not leave Indonesia without any footprint. During 350 years of colonialism era, admitted or not, Dutch government has build and develop several parts of Indonesia, including this. Yeah, this beautiful picture of tea plantation is the footprint of colonialism. Located in the foot of Arjuna mountain, Lawang subdistrict, this tourism object can…
Charity Travel
Traveling is not just about sightseeing and playing around. Traveling is not just about making ourselves happy, but also sharing the happiness to other people. Sometimes, traveling can be our way to create social contribution, that’s what I call  “charity travel”. Today my man and I went to Karangwidoro village. It’s just a small village behind our campus, though I…