After two months living in this city, I think I started to find something interesting about Surabaya.  Well, still I don’t really like this kind of metropolis city (traffic jam, stinky rivers, impolite people, etc) but yeah…at least now I can visit some worth places rather than Mall and Shopping Center.
I went to Kenjeran Park this Sunday morning with my office bestie, Desi. Initially we just want to go swimming–I plan to swim regularly every Sunday now.  But  after that, we went around the Park and  had a fun date! Look at our pictures 😀

Ticket price for entering Kenjeran Park is Rp 8.000 per motorbike, plus extra parking fee Rp 2.000. Water Park ticket is Rp 15.000 in weekend and Rp 10.000 in weekdays. In this Park area you can also find training place for Go Kart, horse race, shooting, etc. Sometimes there is also Open Music Concert here. But, beware of “shaking car” and “filthy couples” who usually “have fun” in this area…the darker night, the more “fun” 😛
Well…let’s see what we can explore more in Surabaya! 😉
kapan2 kita jelajahi tmpt2 lain di Sby ya Mi…hehe
pasti duonggg…semua tempat wisata dan objek2 menarik harus didatengiiinnn 😀
makan di pinggir pantai, wah berasa kayak di jimbaran nih ye.. XD
hmmm..mentang2 yang udah pernah ke Jimbaran (-_-)’
aku pernah tuh kesitu sama teman – teman hi…hi…hi..!!!@@@###$$$%%%^^^&&&+++
jancok !!!!!!!
Wah, sekarang motor masuk sudah 8rb ya. jadi total kalau mau berenang habis 20rb ya kalau hari biasa? hehe.
Numpang bertanya, kondisi kolam renangnya bagaimana ya? bersihkah? kamar mandinya juga? sudah lama sekali tidak berenang di sana. 🙂