Twenty fifteen. I tried to remember all the things I’ve been through in 2014, and suddenly it has been 2015. Twenty fourteen was very important for me. It was a transition year, when I tried to cope myself with all the changes happened in 2013. Now that I looked back again, I feel relieved that I (seemingly) can pass it succesfully.
2014 was a year of self-nourishing. I traveled a lot. Joined charities. Re-connect with old friends and communities. Quitted my job. Study abroad. I knew I have made some significant decisions, yet it put me in the middle of even more new options.

You know, people always have choices. And it’s good to have many choices. But, there’s not much you can do with that choices if you don’t choose any of it.
Now that I come up with many choices, I just let it fly around me without really choose one of it. It’s like I come back to the stage when the world is laboratory, and all I did was just experimenting.
I haven’t finished with myself.
As I stated in my birthday post, sometimes it’s easy to just standing there, putting your feet on two boats, while enjoying both benefits from them. But river’s flow are getting faster, the boats are separating–and you will eventually fall down.
It’s the time to make a choice. You should jump off to one of the boat, staying there and sailing through the river.
In 2015 I make my choice. I choose which boat I’m going to stand on. I choose the path I want to walk on.
I will finish everything with myself, and start to make a real contribution to society.
May the blessing of God keep shielding me this year.
so, which boat do u prefer to stay?
the boat with plenty of pirates treasure yuk! hahaha :p