Di antara jutaan spesies yang pernah hidup di muka bumi, homo sapiens lah pemuncak rantai makanan tertinggi. Padahal kita bukanlah yang terkuat, bukan pula yang tercepat, pun bukan pemilik otak terbesar. Pernah terpikir kah mengapa? Sederhana sekali, ternyata kitalah spesies paling ‘halu’ di antara lainnya :)) Kitalah spesies dengan kemampuan rekayasa memori paling mencengangkan, membuat…
Category: Business Management
Cara Beli Aset Lelang Negara
Buat Anda2 yang punya ketertarikan khusus terhadap aset2 second hand seperti saya (baca: gak punya duit buat beli baru wkwk) barangkali bisa mencoba untuk membeli aset via situs lelang resmi milik negara. Situs lelang ini dikelola oleh DJKN (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara) di bawah Kementerian Keuangan, jadi pasti terjamin legalitasnya. Enggak usah khawatir terjebak lelang…
Konsep ‘Collective Wealth’ untuk ‘Sandwich Generation’
Tulisan ini bermula dari sebuah jawaban thread di Quora yang cukup menggelitik pikiran (bisa cek di sini). Intinya si Quoran memaparkan bahwa “prinsip hidup mandiri” itu ternyata bisa membuat kita menjadi lebih miskin. Loh, kok bisa? Misalkan satu keluarga memiliki aset sebuah rumah dan pekarangan. Mereka punya tiga anak. Saat anak2nya besar, dengan dorongan “prinsip…
Kontrak Rumah vs Kredit Rumah, Untung Mana?
Meskipun sudah menikah dan punya anak, saat ini saya masih mengontrak rumah. Suami saya anti-riba, gak mau KPR, pantang beli rumah kalau dana tunai-nya belum cukup. Saya pun bukan orang yang suka punya utang, kalau bisa bayar tunai kenapa harus nyicil? Bikin tidur gak tenang. Tapi kalau soal KPR saya gak anti-anti banget sih, karena…
Academic Entrepreneur: Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?
This post is a copy of my article on Fair Observer. The original post can be seen here: http://www.fairobserver.com/business/can-entrepreneurship-be-taught-31016/ Studying at university provides students with the necessary tools to become an entrepreneur and overcome common startup problems. There has always been a fierce debate of whether entrepreneurship can be taught or not, and if an entrepreneur…
Innovators, Customers and Things Between
Six months ago, in the beginning of Michaelmas term, my housemate once commented when I told him that I study Entrepreneurship and Innovation. “Innovation? What are you studying about? Something like—how to innovate?” I just laughed to that sarcasm, though deep down, yes, it got me thinking. He’s studying Finance, something very clear and concrete…
Coffee, Dreams and Global Start-Ups
I just read an interesting article on last week’s The Economist, and tingled by this idea of how disruptive start-ups like Uber, AirBnB, and Amazon Cloud Drive reinvented not only how the business works, but also how the company made. Today there is this start up’s privilege: “go global without being big themselves”. As a small entrepreneur, you…
The Expense of ‘Being Nice’ in the Workplace
Everybody loves nice people. Nice people won’t hurt you. Nice people will always help you. Nice people can even be the vehicle you use when you need to go further. Oh and everybody likes to be liked. Even before Facebook invented the ‘Like’ button and utilised this as psychological tool to deepen its users engagement. And it is so understandable…
7 Nostalgic Websites that Bring Back your Teenage Memories
Time flies, so does technology. From the era of Netscape until Chrome, from mIRC until WhatsApp, internet does drastically evolve. Ten years ago we can still find many choices for the same service provided on Internet. However, it’s undeniable that most of Internet service we find now are provided and owned by these two companies: Google…
That Marriage Between Business and Society
What comes to your mind when you hear those words of ‘social business’, ‘corporate social responsibility’, or any other noble things that seem too idealistic to do? The middle line between business and social charity?The marriage between capitalism and socialism? Since CSR term coined years ago, it suddenly became such a ‘happening trend’. Corporations started…