Petang di Mexico tahun 1968. Para juara telah turun dari podium dan penonton mulai beranjak pulang, namun tiba-tiba para penonton berbalik arah seraya tercengang tak percaya ketika melihat seorang pria berlari pincang dengan kain membungkus lututnya yang terluka berusaha menyelesaikan perlombaan. Stadion yang hampir lengang kembali bergemuruh menyemangati pelari olimpiade terakhir tersebut. Dialah john stephen…
Academic Entrepreneur: Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?
This post is a copy of my article on Fair Observer. The original post can be seen here: Studying at university provides students with the necessary tools to become an entrepreneur and overcome common startup problems. There has always been a fierce debate of whether entrepreneurship can be taught or not, and if an entrepreneur…
[Repost] Land Mafia Fire Game Lights Up Indonesia
(This article was published on Fair Observer at 11 November 2015, co-authored by Fikar and me) The seriousness of the Indonesian forest fires can no longer be ignored. As 40 million people gasp for breath and tens of thousands of hectares of forest are on fire in Indonesia, the world continues to revolve like nothing dangerous…
Innovators, Customers and Things Between
Six months ago, in the beginning of Michaelmas term, my housemate once commented when I told him that I study Entrepreneurship and Innovation. “Innovation? What are you studying about? Something like—how to innovate?” I just laughed to that sarcasm, though deep down, yes, it got me thinking. He’s studying Finance, something very clear and concrete…
Coffee, Dreams and Global Start-Ups
I just read an interesting article on last week’s The Economist, and tingled by this idea of how disruptive start-ups like Uber, AirBnB, and Amazon Cloud Drive reinvented not only how the business works, but also how the company made. Today there is this start up’s privilege: “go global without being big themselves”. As a small entrepreneur, you…
The Expense of ‘Being Nice’ in the Workplace
Everybody loves nice people. Nice people won’t hurt you. Nice people will always help you. Nice people can even be the vehicle you use when you need to go further. Oh and everybody likes to be liked. Even before Facebook invented the ‘Like’ button and utilised this as psychological tool to deepen its users engagement. And it is so understandable…
La Armonía de Cordoba
As soon as the sun slipped into the horizon, red tinge appeared on the sky. Its flaming colour blended perfectly with bone-like whiteness of Old Town buildings, while the green water of Guadalquivir refclected the light. Bewitched, we stand on the Roman Bridge with a dazzled look–enjoy the perfect moment and feel like never ever want to go home….
La Belleza de Barcelona
Before coming to this city, Barcelona in my mind was just one of European football capital. And ex-Olympic Games host. Never thought about its marvelous Gaudi architectural design, its hilly contour alongside beaches, and its Catalan culture blended in the red-yellow buildings. Three days and three nights in Barcelona were simply amazing. Lely and I…
For the Greater Good
I am currently standing on the most unclear, ambiguous, indecisive period of my life (so far). I’ve always been hopping from school to school, university to company, without this long “unemployed” period between. Ha, but I guess this was something I asked for. When I can stay free and think about what I really wanna…
Entrepreneurship: Finding Overlap between Theory and Practice
Why would you even take a Master degree to be an entrepreneur? Why didn’t you just do it? Do you really have to study all those business theories before becoming a business(wo)man? Will it be really helpful in real business world? Those questions keep sparking out during my study here in Lancaster University. While my classmates…