Well, here is the process of making this yummy and crunchy Sand-fried Non-Cholesterol CRACKER 😉
1. Take the raw crackers in the storeroom and then flavor it. Here we have two different flavors: ONION and SWEET-SPICY.
a) Sacks of raw crackers    b) Raw crackers
c) Flavor of “sweet-spicy”
2. Dry the flavored crackers under the bright sunshine (it should be adequately hot) until it become “dry-enough to be fried”
d) Dry the crackers      e) Put the dried crackers into the bucket
3. Fry the crackers in the machine. Don’t forget to prepare enough sand inside the machine so it can cover all the crackers. Set the flame so the crackers can perfectly unfurl. Don’t worry, the sands will not be adhere on the cracker because it’s rough enough for the cracker’s texture. It’s surely safe to eat as long as the sand is clean 😉
f) and g) Fry the crackers inside the sand                 h) Separate the sand from the crackers
Why is the cracker can be unfurl only through sand? Maybe cause sand is one of good conductor and it can deliver heat smoothly. Actually it’s similar with the work of cooking oil, but it’s surely CHOLESTEROL-FREE 😉
4. Put in the cooked crackers in the big-thick plastic pouch
5. Pack the crackers in the suitable plastic (small/medium/large) along with the label and extra chili sauce
6. The sand-fried crackers are ready to be marketed! 😉
*a mountain of crackers*